Israel/ Palestine: The Stagnation of Conflict
by Housewife4Palestine
Most people have an understanding that the war between Israel and the Palestinian’s have been going on a mere 59 years now, when the real fact it has been going about a 104 years, I realize there is some that may argue this fact; but I assure it is an historical fact.
Day after day we can write about the latest atrocities, or the possible peaceful resolution that was dead before it hit the table most notably on the Israeli side because they have never pronounced real peace towards the Palestinian people in any form.
The only contention Israel has for the Palestinian people is move or die, which is not expectable to any people that has the legitimate right to live in their own country.
For the Zionist to say they have the right to take a country that was lost over two thousand years ago, then the Native American’s should have the right to reclaim the whole of the America‘s. While I am sure you would say this is demented, so is the so called right of anyone to occupy a country by force with the intent to commit forcible genocide of any people; but it has happened or attempted numerous times in history.
The bottom line of the Israeli/Palestinian war it has been a stalemate for those 104 years, with the Palestinians wishing peace and the Israeli’s with the always resounding "no."
Israel can claim all they want that they are a victim of this or a victim of that, while they hold the whip and beat an intellectual world that waned in belief to this contention far to long ago, even before the Jewish holocaust.
It is yet to wonder how the Zionist can collect countries towards their side, I wonder what was the promise or the payoff is because in the past when countries have done this they usually ended up like for example Germany during World War 2.
So here we stand that 104 years later, with the same story and the same stalemate, no political negotiation or solace will quench the bottom line of what is important for world peace, without the return of Palestine to their rightful owner’s, the Palestinian people and Zionist like the Nazi leaders held in world court for their crimes. While the Zionist and their allies are afraid of this, the war goes on.
One thing that is most important to remember than as in anytime in history, the need for global peace from chaos is needed now more then ever, for the real sake of all humanity.
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