Thursday, June 28, 2007

Reflection of the Days

28 June 2007

by Housewife4Palestine

I wonder if people understand that are not in the war, what it is like to face such devastation. At this time my adopted village is completely devastated as it lays in ruins as well as many of my family are now martyrs.

As I pray each day for the protection and safety of my children and my husband, I can not help thinking as long as Israel and the United States keeps the balloon of peace floating in the air for they do not really wish it to hit the ground for a lasting peace or justice in Palestine. As long as the balloon is in the air, they can keep pressure and corruption going, pitting Fatah against Hamas.

There is Palestinian’s that seem to think hope is diminishing, while this is not so or at least I have never felt this way as I have went through a multitude of hardships, that even I realize; would have broken some people. They only thing I am finding that trying to be strong does, is make it harder to cry over these injustice’s, instead it seems to be replaced at times with a type of anger; of how could people wish so much harm to another.

I will even admit, Abbas looks more like a man that need’s a lifebelt for a sinking ship, then to be able to legitimize what he is doing as a political puppet for the West.

As for Bush thinking of creating a Muslim envoy, to create better relations in the Middle East is like trying to find a band aid for a half amputated leg, for the simple fact of all their crimes towards so many Muslim countries. I am yet to wonder, if or how this type of situation can or is possible to ever be repaired.

As for Blair being the new Middle East envoy, just goes to show that him and Bush are still bed mates, what more is their to say here?

All that is coming out in the United States within their government towards discloser of documents, just makes me think they have something to hide, is this administration beginning to unravel or the snow ball is picking up speed as it rolls down the hill and collecting more snow?

Returning to Palestine, if the corruption would cease and the fractions actually united towards all of Palestine, only then I think we as Palestinians have a chance at a reality we can live with.

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