Thursday, October 4, 2007

Is She Real or Not?

4 October 2007

by HRM Deborah

This is interesting, I could do a very revealing series on this topic, but I am sure there are certain people that really hope I do not; even though right now they are trying to make a loud point to denounce my existence.

There is an old saying, the louder someone tries’ to denounce something, the opposite must be true or they wouldn’t be trying so hard.

What is interesting, they probably know more about me than I know of myself, most people I think are like this especially when your memories of things only start at a certain age.

Also, I am sure going through life being human one can not remember every thing of your life on a daily bases. Like how many people can remember what they had for breakfast yesterday, for me that it easy right now because it is Ramadan.

What is interesting, I was born into this position; I did not go and apply for this job; who would want to be born into a war? But I will admit, I do love my country and all the Palestinian people very much; as my Mother and Grandmother before me.

As well, my Mother did her very best being in exile or attempted hiding to teach me Islam; as well as me learning myself. For this, I thank Allah everyday.

While those who actually know of me and especially those who have been trying to murder me, observe me or try to make people think I am not real; is kind of funny in a way because they wouldn’t be trying so hard if they didn’t know.

Even the man that murdered some of my family knows the truth and had admitted, I was real; even when I got this position. This information came to me in and odd way and I say this with a smile.

Finally, I am interested in the person that happened to have a picture of me and posted it with one of my articles on the net? I am very happy to say, I do look like my Mother and many people have told me I am allot like her.

Not gloating, but I always thought my Mother was beautiful, she became a martyr at age sixty-six.


I put above a Palestinian rose, because I have good memories about roses.

When I was two years old, my mother had Rheumatic Fever and by Allah’s grace she did recover. But, I use to put roses by her bed and even a little time after she recovered, so she would have beauty when her eyesight was returning.

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