Thursday, January 10, 2008

Stand For Truth

Assalamu Alaikum Everyone:

I am sorry, I have not been here for such a long time, but I became a victim of a type of censorship, inshaallah one day the world will change and people in certain parts of the world will once again have real freedom of speech.

Please, have patiance for me and keep me in your prayer's for much good is happening these days and I know in my heart the world will be a better place inshaallah where all people can be happy and things like this will be a thing of the past.
Whether, I would return writing or not will be solely by Allah’s grace and not my own, for I have to much love for humanity and in my heart will always do what is right for the benefit of all people.
Just as a reminder, all people have a right to be happy in this life and are not suppose to suffer in any manner, we are suppose to care for and about each other, please never forget to love and respect each other no matter where someone comes from or the fact they may be different from you.

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Blogger LanceThruster said...

H4P - I am sorry for the difficulties you've been experiencing.

There are many ways to silence certain messages other than outright censorship. One is intimidation. Here is a comment post I made on a article on Gaza and how the comments were being used to supposedly support the contention that left-wing activists are racists (FYI - Atlas Shrugs is an ultra-Zionist site preaching death and destruction to most Muslims):


"Even though many readers of HuffPo see it as bending over backwards to avoid upsetting Zionist sensibilities, Pamela Gellar of "Atlas Shrugs" has the HuffPo link posted as "proof" of left-wing anti-Semitism (as opposed to actually taking Israel to task for its criminal behavior). See here:

It should be noted that I was/am banned from "Atlas Shrugs" right around the time I caught her using comment shills in her postings. This was established in that a commenter responded to something specifically that was only mentioned in a personal email to Ms. Gellar and not in the public comments. I was banned shortly after pointing this out publically. I mention this because she is going on about how the time stamps on the HuffPo comments are supposedly before the article even went up."

6:40 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


I to am sorry for what happened to you also and to the fact, I have not been here for sometime to even be able to answer.

One thing though, I have always believed and it was reaffirmed recently, that if one always does their best to do the right thing that what ever your problem is or situation maybe, it will always find a way to get better. Just always, have patience and hope.

11:13 PM  

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