No Religious Persecution in Palestine
by HRM Deborah
I am hearing anti-semantic remarks and I do not care if it is coming from within Palestine or from outside the country towards Palestine, it is not acceptable; for we will not have any form of religious persecution or racism in any form, in or towards Palestine or her citizens.
For example, if one happened to be the only Christian in a country, they have the right to be just that, a Christian in that country.
For Palestine is a predominate Semitic country and has been for thousands of years, with regards to three major monotheistic religions within this country and Allah willing, it will remain so for many more thousands of years; without anyone being subjected to any kind of insufferable mistreatment.
What some people may not realize when they make an anti-semantic remark thinking it is just a manner to insult just the Jewish people, but to the contrary; the Arab Palestinians are also Semantic and just happen to be of the Islamic faith. Then you have Christians in the country, which also happen to be of Semantic ancestry.
So my idea of thinking, when anyone makes an anti-semantic slur, they are insulting a lot of people from more then one religion; gives one something to chew on.
Furthermore, the only problem I have ever had, is some political ideology that hurts people instead of help them.
I am thinking someone is going to make a remark about the Canaanites, they have never actually had citizenship in Palestine for about the 9,000 years they have been in the country; if even they may try to make people think, otherwise and up to our modern times they have always been, even when people over the centuries had tried to make better for them; they are still just the same people who have tried to steal a host country, rob the country, murder and so forth all the time they have been in Palestine.
Just in our modern times, they finally got a label for these century old type of crimes, calling it Terrorism and as for religious belief’s, they have always been considered idolaters, because the first idols in Palestine came from them and religion is a mark on a shirt sleeve; as verified with historical facts.
Nevertheless, if my memory serves me correctly, they are also the only people in Palestine that is not Semantic in origin.
As far as consideration on racism, this is also not a factor in this case, because it also has been recorded with historical facts; that the Canaanites have always been condemned by Allah (God) for there numerous crimes and insults towards Him.
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Christianity, Islamophobia, Racism, Religious Persecution
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