Security Forces Surround Terrorist Home

The assailant killed three people and wounded 45 more as he ploughed a bulldozer into buses and cars in Jerusalem yesterday, before being shot dead.
National police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld described the rampage in the heart of the Holy City as a 'terrorist' act by a 30-year-old man from east Jerusalem who was allegedly working at a construction site near the scene of the attack.
They majority of the Palestinian populace not only considered it a terrorist attack, but is deeply upset over such a horrendous attack on human life.
Further, measures where immediately put in place for the protection of Palestinian citizens and some neighboring countries.
Dwayat was a relative of global terrorist and Interpol fugitive Salam Fayyad. Fayyad’s family has a long history of numerous members of this family being terrorist’s and committing terrorist acts, among not only the Palestinian populace; but globally.
Furthermore, as for Dwayat’s families claims that he was not a terrorist is normal, because they know what the major repercussions would be not just by the Jewish people themselves; but the Arab Palestinian populace for terrorism is against Islamic law, especially in this case of premeditated murder and blasphemy. Also, a person that commits such an act will never taste Paradise.

Those suspected of terrorism and have criminal warrants, enforce the warrants by arresting them and instead of destroying the home one can enforce an old law of putting the others into the street to not allow them to return to the area of there crime.
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