Monday, September 29, 2008

A Shepherd's Tears of Death

Family members of 18-year-old Canaanite shepherd Yehia Rihamon mourn, on 28 September 2008 in the village Aqraba, south of Nablus.

The teenage shepherd was not shot dead by Jewish settlers as was claimed by media propaganda; but rather by terrorists from global terrorist, Interpol fugitive Mahmoud Abbas’s Canaanite organization and then pinned on the Jewish settlers to cover-up the true criminal’s, which is an old familiar guise by Abbas terrorists.

The young man was among a group of shepherds grazing flocks south of Nablus yesterday, when they were attacked.

As with any case of murder in Palestine, the criminal’s will be found and will pay the extreme cost for murder.

As it is also hoped, there is not any distress to the Jewish settlers.

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