Sunday, October 12, 2008

Foreign presence adds to insecurity in Afghanistan: Larijani

12 October 2008

Tehran-Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani said the foreign presence in Afghanistan has intensified insecurity and increased production of narcotics and killing the innocent people.

According to the report of Majlis Media Department on Saturday, Larijani in a meeting with former Afghanistan President Burhanuddin Rabbani said, "The situation in Afghanistan is sorrowful and regrettable."

Referring to the importance of parliaments' role in politics, determination of people fate and maintaining countries' independence, Larijani underlined Majlis readiness for continuation and expansion of parliamentary ties with Afghanistan.

Rabbani, by appreciating Iran's support for Afghan people, especially hosting millions of Afghan refugees for many years in Iran, called for continuation of Tehran's help for establishment of security and stability as well as uprooting terrorism and narcotics from Afghanistan.

Referring to the strong resentment of Afghans for continuation of presence of alien forces in Afghanistan, Rabbani said, "At first, they entered into Afghanistan with the slogan on establishment of security and fight against terrorism and drugs, but now, Afghans witness expansion of terrorism and increased production of narcotics." He went on to say, "The only solution to Afghanistan crisis is creation of unity among all national and jihadi forces in the country and establishment of national reconciliation among all tribes without ethnic, tribal and religious prejudice."

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