Monday, October 13, 2008

Iran: Supreme Leader: Rule of money in West over

13 October 2008

Tehran-Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Monday that the rule of money in the western world has come to an end and their outcries are heard.

Highlighting the current status of liberal democracy in the West, the Supreme Leader said as the school of Marxism has collapsed, sounds of the decline of the West's liberal democracy are now heard.

The Islamic movement is spreading day by day and the Islamic Revolution as the driving force of such a great ideological movement should strengthen the factors behind its progress, the Supreme Leader said in a meeting with Friday prayer leaders from throughout the country.

The secret of the Islamic Revolutions lies in its spirit of resistance, underlined Ayatollah Khamenei.

The Iranian nation has renewed its allegiance to Islam, the Islamic Revolution and late Imam Khomeini, said the Supreme Leader, adding that the Iranian people have kept their promises to this effect resulting in the supremacy of religious power in Iran.

The Islamic Revolution became victorious at a time when the world was dominated by two schools of thought namely Marxism and Liberalism, said Ayatollah Khamenei.

"Iran strongly stood up to the plots masterminded by global arrogance and by relying on the Almighty God overcame all difficulties. Now there is no sign of Marxism in the world and even Liberalism is on the decline," pointed out the Supreme Leader.

Referring to scandalous collapse of Marxism, the Supreme Leader said they lost their strongholds one by one and finally turned into a spider web and were wiped up completely.

After fall of Marxism, liberalism was tempted to promote the idea of unipolar world, assuming that the whole world was under its influence it had no rival, pointed out Ayatollah Khamenei.

Highlighting the current status of liberalism in the western democracy, the Supreme Leader said that "Political claims and fabricated mottos of this school about human rights and democracy were revealed in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib prison, invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and bombardment of various parts of the world. And today, the rule of money in the West has been broken and their outcries are heard."

The current problems facing the West show to what extent the economic claims of Liberal Democracy was false, said the Supreme Leader, adding that the western analysts have now confessed to inefficiency of their economic theories.

They themselves claim that the era of America's absolute domination of the world is now over, underlined the Supreme Leader.

Ayatollah Khamenei said that some people try to resort to any means to disappoint the Iranian people and deviate them from their right path.

The Islamic Revolution will continue treading its path vigorously despite some minor shortcomings, the Supreme Leader made it clear.

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