Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Muslim Woman for US President?

By HRM Deborah

Being a political hostage in what can be termed a foreign country for lack of a better definition and what makes it interesting that I was born into this situation makes for an unusual situation to say the least towards my status of what I can and can not do.

For one from my understanding, with the November elections coming, I am not allowed to vote because of being considered a Palestinian National, let alone a diplomat of a foreign country, namely Palestine. Which apparently with this coming election has made a down turned sigh for many Americans, who wish I could vote and more.

While I have never campaigned for an office, for as far as my home country is concerned it is not acceptable or necessary, but to have Americans by and overwhelming margin wish I could or would have, is so very kind.

As far as I know from history, the office of a president has always been Christian and as far as I know the criteria that they have to be a US citizen. The only acceptation I know of and I always thought, was Roman Catholicism was Christianity; nevertheless I still remember what was said when John F. Kennedy became president.

While in the history too of the US, one woman ran for president and lost, to now one running for vice president with what some term as very questionable background.

For so many Americans to think so kind of me is also interesting not just because of me being a woman, but the fact I am not Christian, but Muslim and I can still remember too remarks many years ago about a person from the Jewish religion wishing to run for the office of president and many Americans with a bit of a noise said, no.

What many American’s seem to being looking for in this particular US election, is a person that would honestly care about them, that has impeccable integrity and would actually be honest, like some people use to say about Abraham Lincoln, with him having the nickname of “honest Abe,” and this is just a few examples for an idea; for it seems Americans no longer find many of there politicians especially with the two current ones, of Sen.’s John McCain and Barack Obama to fit there ideal bill as presidential material; to even the extreme souring of there current US President.

As for Americans wishing to know my situation towards this coming election, this I hope would more answer the numerous questions and I do hope they find one day a person that fit’s what they truly wish for this particular elected office.

Furthermore, I am very flattered and grateful that some many people would hold me in such high esteem.

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