Friday, February 13, 2009

The Blood from a Turnip

It is tax time again; for the majority of American’s and it is assured your mouth is watering with the hope of that nice return check, but this year think again.

US President Barack Obama passed a bill to nix that income tax return check, instead the majority of American’s rather it is state or federal will have to pay until the pain can not even be relieved by an aspirin.

If American’s where wondering about the issue of how Obama was going to come up with money for his current beat the government over the head stimulus package, here is one idea.

What is saddened by this, is how American’s are struggling to make end’s meet now and those who took out loans with the hope to pay them back with the now invisible tax return check; it is a wonder of how far the American people will have to suffer before their government stripes everything away from them.

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