Monday, March 9, 2009

More Americans say they have no religion

Feeling there way through faith's darkness, a country in Decline.

A wide-ranging study on American religious life found that the Roman Catholic population has been shifting out o of the Northeast to the Southwest, the percentage of Christians in the nation has declined and more people say they have no religion at all.

Fifteen percent of respondents said they had no religion, an increase from 14.2 percent in 2001 and 8.2 percent in 1990, according to the American Religious Identification Survey. (


There are times, with what happens to a country; has nothing to do with a particular religion, but what is occurring within the countries society structure.

While this particular poll apparently was bias, what is not taken into account is the climbing morality decline in the US and the further collapsing infrastructure of this particular country.

As to some of the major problems in this moral decline are promiscuity, Alcoholism, illicit drug use and various high crime‘s, with complacency; which all accept the latter of crime, has brought about certain disease’s that while some are highly contagious and have no foreseeable medical cure for these disease’s (which does include embryonic stem cell research); except through prevention by moral decency. Which some of these disease’s are not just in the carrier’s themselves, but some can be transmitted to the unborn during pregnancy, to children and in many cases; to others by contact with an infected carrier.

As this pragmatic situation goes beyond mere ideological thought as one may be in question, but to have been ascertained previously; by the scientific and medical community.

Nevertheless, the US continued issue of cloning especially with the precept of future human cloning, baby abortion and child abuse for example‘s; these situation’s or problems would not be an issue within a moral society for they wouldn't occur.

As to the US alleged scientific issue on Global ‘Warming or former US Vice President Al Gore got an expensive light bulb idea, which is nothing but what is called a 'Band-Aid solution'; where the Band-Aid has blown out the car window at 70 MPH, to finally be caught and pasted to an advertisement billboard on the side of the highway.

Which the original solution for this problem, stems from ancient writing’s, not as suggested by US President Barack Obama’s atheist view point; which by the original solution has always been previously, the most sound one of stabilizing the earth.

Iron Eyes Cody AKA the "Crying Indian" was in a “Keep America Beautiful public service announcement” in the early 1970’s, concerning the severe problem of US litter and pollution; which is still occuring today. While at the time this service announcement was being advertised on television and billboard’s, the scope of Global warming and numerous other Environmental problem’s was already being put in the forefront for people not just to be conscientiously aware; but that their was already a major problem.

Finally, the US is not just having an economic collapse, they are having a full collapse in ever facet of the structure of the country itself or what is called 'full implosion' and as far as any type of integrity, it has galloped off as a cowboy; into the perplexed sunset.

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