Saturday, May 13, 2006

Small Hint of Global Proverty

Projected Proverty to 2015 Posted by Picasa

The poor gather in Brussels

May. 13 - Poor people from all over Europe gather in Brussels for a conference on poverty, organised by Austria, which currently holds the European Union Presidency.

A few chosen "poor" people from 23 countries exchanged ideas on how to help EU organisations recognise the poverty that exists within their own borders.

Front line social workers and NGOs struggling to help poverty eradication were also in attendance.

Many of the participants struggle daily with poverty and social exclusion and have become activists with associations and poverty eradication networks.

(SOUNDBITE) (German) JENS SCHROETER OF THE INSTITUTE FOR POVERTY SAYING:"We will tell them how we believe we should be living and how they can help The poor gather in Brussels.

(SOUNDBITE) (German) JENS SCHROETER OF THE INSTITUTE FOR POVERTY SAYING:"We will tell them how we believe we should be living and how they can helpThe poor gather in Brussels

(SOUNDBITE) (German) JENS SCHROETER OF THE INSTITUTE FOR POVERTY SAYING:"We will tell them how we believe we should be living and how they can help us."

(SOUNDBITE) (Flemish) MAGDA SNOEKS. POOR BELGIAN WOMAN, SAYING: "It feels very good to be able to come here and tell them, just like ordinary people, what we need in order to improve our situation. That is why I am here at the congress. I am here for the third time."

(SOUNDBITE) (English) SWEDISH WOMAN, IDA, FROM POVERTY ORGANISATION EAPN SAYING:"It stinks. It really does. You get stigmatised and you don't get listened to. So as if you were out of society and I think it's a shame really that one of the great welfare states should have so much poverty in it and this gap increases all the time. So we just have to do something about it.

SOUNDBITE) (English) FINTAN FARELL, DIRECTOR OF EUROPEAN ANTI POVERTY NETWORK, SAYING:"We hope that this dialogue between people who face poverty and people who have to make policies will be increased as a result of this meeting and quite concretely, we expect that, when the countries produce the national action plans on the fight against poverty in September in this year, that some of the ideas, that have come from these meeting will be reflected in those national action plans."

Palestinians struggle without wages

May. 13 - Unpaid Palestinian government workers resort to primitive cooking methods to provide their families with food.

A financial embargo is making it harder by the day for Palestinians to feed their families.

The restrictions, which include Israel withholding 55 million US dollars a month in tax revenues it collects on the Palestinians' behalf, threaten to strangle economic life in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where 3.8 million people live.

The Quartet of Middle East peace mediators -- the United States, Russia, the European Union and the United Nations -- decided on Tuesday (May 9) to set up a new mechanism to funnel aid to the Palestinians, but it's unclear how this money will be distributed.

Michelle Carlile-Alkhouri reports.

SOUNDBITE: Hind Ahmed, Palestinian School Principal, who has not received her salary since Hamas came to power saying, (Arabic):
"I am forced to bake (bread), I have to save money in every possible way, no matter how primitive it is, and (I have to continue) to teach the children. That's my responsibility."

SOUNDBITE: Hind Ahmed, Palestinian School Principal saying, (Arabic):
"As an employee, it's not my fault. We have to pay for all our things, water, electricity, transportation. I need my salary."


Alarmed at Humanitarian Crisis, UN rights Chief Calls on Israel, PA to Step back from Brink

Hamas may talk to Israel to avert humanitarian crisis

Look at Proverty in Oregon, U.S.A. 2004 Posted by Picasa

But if at the time of division other relatives, or orphans or poor, are present, feed them out of the (property), and speak to them words of kindness and justice.
( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, 4:8)

وَإِذَا حَضَرَ الْقِسْمَةَ أُوْلُواْ الْقُرْبَى وَالْيَتَامَى وَالْمَسَاكِينُ فَارْزُقُوهُم مِّنْهُ وَقُولُواْ لَهُمْ قَوْلاً مَّعْرُوفاً


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