Saturday, November 25, 2006

American Immorality Still Breeding Illegitimacy

Nearly 4 in 10 U.S. babies born out of wedlock
Government report says hike happening despite steady drop in teen births

A teen-age girl tells about her "marriage of necessity" to Bo Jo Jones, especially the problems and difficulties encountered during their first critical year. (1967)

November 21, 2006

ATLANTA (AP) - Out-of-wedlock births in the United States have climbed to an all-time high, accounting for nearly four in 10 babies born last year, government health officials said Tuesday.

While out-of-wedlock births have long been associated with teen mothers, the teen birth rate actually dropped last year to the lowest level on record. Instead, births among unwed mothers rose most dramatically among women in their 20s.

Experts said the overall rise reflects the burgeoning number of people who are putting off marriage or living together without getting married. They said it also reflects the fact that having a child out of wedlock is more acceptable nowadays and not necessarily the source of shame it once was.


While this article may lead you to believe that the stigma of being an unwed mother or illuminate is nothing in modern society, I would hate to bust the writer’s bubble and say it is still far from it; just that immorality has gotten so bad that there is people hoping that their will be a blind eye.

Their never is!


Blogger All_I_Can_Stands said...

What about European and South American immorality? I agree the US has an immorality problem, but they are far from alone in the matter. I would claim Europe has a far bigger imorality problem than the US. If they have less unwed mothers it is because there is more birth control and more abortion. I don't know this for sure since I don't have the numbers, but I am sure there is not less immorality in Europe.

6:14 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


Your doing the world is in mess and we are only players.

Down through time their has been a minor problem I will admit, but when America started the Sexual Revolution it became a major problem not just in America but abroad.

One problem, America does have is the world use to look to America as the child of opportunity or the place that dreams are made.

While you can claim anything, you wish the root started here back in the 1960’s and the degradation has become an infected virus.

I will agree that birth control and abortion may be a factor, but anytime you have relations outside the frame of marriage, it is not acceptable.

Moreover, I do not agree their should be abortions.

Global immorality is a big issue with me, because people should guard against anything that is a sin.

6:55 PM  
Blogger LanceThruster said...

It's nice to be able to agreeably argue another side. As an atheist, I see no advantage in a morality imposed by those claiming to speak for a god that not all acknowledge. Most religious traditions have the concept of taking care of one's own house before casting stones. I am late 40's and single and have never gotten a woman pregnant by choice or chance. Religious "morality" is every bit as subjective as secular morality with the added disadvantage of supposedly coming from a god one cannot argue with or against. All children brought into the world should be for love and with the ability to give them a reasonable amount of care and protection. But irresponsibility and immorality are somewhat different issues.

7:43 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


While I have often wondered how people can be and Atheist, I am not insulting you; but I never could understand this.

To be being irresponsible as a defense for not keeping your pants zipped is a thin thread. For if, someone has an up bringing of moral education this should not enter into his or her way of living.

I appreciate that you are a good person in the respect how you live your life, but I have seen to many people with the morals of an Alley Cat and find this despicable.

As for how I run my home we do not have any problems, I never cast stones, but I do believe honesty is the best policy.

1:22 AM  
Blogger LanceThruster said...

H4P - It is indeed your good heart that allows me to feel comfortable in expressing my views in a forthright manner. I grew up Catholic but fell away in my 20's from any sort of theism as I could not reconcile a just god subjecting humans and other living things to the suffering they experience and an unjust god was unworthy of any adulation at all.

I find the work of human philosophers meaningful and feel that sacred texts are just another example of human beings trying to make sense of the world around them. In that sense they are "inspired".

I have many other friends who are puzzled at my choice to make my path through life "godless", but as long as anyone understands that a person's "god-view" is an entirely personal choice, we can still show love and respect for each other as human beings.

I like what author Kurt Vonnegut wrote, "Our purpose here is to help each other through this this, whatever *this thing* is." I also laugh at what he tells people who ask him what our existence is about. He says, "Don't ask me, I just got here myself." There are many favorite quotes from the minds of humans on our understanding of the universe. I'll leave you with another one that I think explans a lot. It says, "I contend we are both of us atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you. And when you realize why you have rejected all the other possible gods, you'll understand why I have rejected yours."


8:59 AM  

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