Thursday, November 23, 2006

The US Veto .. A credit to the Occupation's massacres

A new Veto added to the Vetoes against the innocent civilians. The UN Security Council condemned the Israeli massacre in Beit Hanun, north of the Gaza Strip. Washington had provided the Zionist occupation with an international cover to commit more massacres.

Fawzi Barhum, Hamas spokesman in the Strip, said that the unlimited American support to "Zionist crimes against the Palestinian people" the latest of which was the UNSC veto constituted a "barefaced green light to commit more such crimes".

He warned of American hegemony on international platforms, pointing out that the USA was hitting Afghanistan and Iraq and threatening the Sudan and Iran, yet was backing a "terrorist state that kills women, children and old people day and night".

The spokesman called on the Arab group at the 15-member UNSC to adopt a strong position regarding the Palestinian suffering, and urged the human rights organizations to stand up against this American stand that justified killing and destroying the Palestinian man and land. He also asked the Arab and Islamic masses to declare a clear position against American hegemony on international platforms.

The Arab countries should adopt decisive stands on the official and popular levels against the escalating "Zionist criminality against our people" and they should demand protection for Palestinian civilians, Barhum concluded.

American representative at the UNSC council John Bolton claimed that his country's veto was used because the draft resolution did not include a clear condemnation of Palestinian resistance attacks on Israeli targets!

The Palestinian representative said that the veto was a green light for the Hebrew state to go ahead in its aggressions against the Palestinian people. He charged that the UNSC was not "fair" in dealing with the Palestine cause.

The Palestinian resistance factions warned the American administration of the results that may follow this veto against the Palestinian civilians because they gave the credit to the occupation forces to commit more massacres against the civilians of Palestine.

These sort of barbaric acts by Israel will keep on occuring for as long as there is a super power that gives it a global cover and saying "Israel only defends itself" with such horrendous and horrifying actions. Arab and Muslim countries along with the whole world must wake up to the fact the people of Palestine will and have the right to use all means to defend themselves and end their suffering.


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