Wednesday, December 27, 2006

An American and Muslim Speaks About Women Being Attacked in America

December 27, 2006

by Housewife4Palestine

I have not posted here in a while and I may not be welcome with my comments but:Muslim women attacked in America.

Women in America should expect to all be treated the same. There should be no preferential treatment to a woman who wears a veil or just because she wears a veil! That is un-American. Women in America are expected to earn respect and stand beside men and suffer the same type of attacks there men do.

The notion that a woman who is determined not to fit in or conform, should get special consideration for wearing a veil is not common sense. In fact it would be counter-intuitive.

A woman in America will not be treated diff because she is of a diff religion. The religion of the woman plays a secondary position to her ability to articulate herself in the American society. The concept of attacking a Muslim women because she is in a burhka are partial veil has nothing to do with her heritage, religion, etc…

There are many, many Muslim women in Atlanta where I live and I have never seen anyone or experienced anyone maltreating them in anyway, ever.

In fact in my field (IT) most Muslim woman have rcvd respect because they can articulate their intelligence, get their point across, hold their own weight in an argument, and not back down when they are in the right.

Here are some basic assumptions and risks to be considered by Muslim women who prefer to live and work in the modern western type of society:

1. You are welcome.

2. As you adapt to western society and technologies you will lose some of your heritage.

3. Your opinions, thoughts, ideas, art, arguments will be respected and it will solely up to you to articulate them and defend them.

4. We all have stereotypes and prejudices. Put them in the same bag as we do and carry them around.

5. You as a woman and a free thinker will be respected until you prove otherwise.

6. We do not expect you to conform to everything in the western world and no one should tell you what to conform to and not to conform to.

7. And hopefully a few funny ones for you:

a. a Muslim woman will never be the worst driver on the road. Trust me on this one.

b. a Muslim woman will never be the worst dressed woman in a grocery store or super market.

c. American men will listen to what you say immediately because of any accent you may have lingering.

Peace be with you and I hope you post my comments as a regular post vs. a hidden comment. I would like to hear some feedback.

I regret and disappointed the hear the fact that Muslim woman have been attacked in America and I pray to God that this was not because of their appearance or perceived religion.



This comment was sent to me after I wrote the story of Muslim women being attacked in America.

Where they made very valued points and I appreciate what they had to say, something that needs to be reminded here that there is many Muslim American’s that have been in America for quite some time; way before 9/11. Otherwise, they did not show up yesterday just getting off the boat or plane. Some of the remarks made to Muslim women especially, is with the idea this is so. Muslims from many parts of the world in America have been responsible member’s of society even to go as far as making numerous contributions.

As for Muslim women being attacked because of their dress or religion seems to be the case by these Islamophobic’s. As I will readily agree in equality for all and I to hope one day that the bag of problems is tossed away for all and no one has to carry one.

I will give three examples; one case occurred from a woman I know very well, she was trying to park her car with her husband in the passenger seat. When she finally did, her husband had gotten out and was walking to their apartment. When she got out a young man saw her and began to verbally abuse her, with such remarks as that she should go back to her country of origin and dictate driving laws, which she knew very well. For one, the woman who is Palestinian was also born in America. I will also admit this man was found to be drunk.

Her husband like many husbands because they are away from home working, was finding it hard like many people who have commented to me; how hard it is to believe this is happening until they saw it with their own eyes.

Two women who lived in the apartment who was very friendly to the Muslim woman came out and even got the license plate of the man as he fled the scene of the attack and actually was over whelmed to hear the woman raise her voice in protection.

Another case is a Muslim woman who was trapped in her vehicle with the doors locked and windows up because a man tried to force the doors open and even attempted with verbal abuse to finally spit on her windshield. Not knowing what to do she turned on the washer and wipers to clean the spittle off. This made the man angrier and he did it once more.

She was so frightened and did not know what to do other then what she did, when the man did not succeed in getting inside the vehicle he finally left.

Finally, a woman who chose one morning to drive her husband to work, where almost killed when a trash truck put down the metal bars used to picked up trash dumpster's and tried to ram the side of the car with the husband yelling in protest to stop; almost killed the Muslim couple.

I will remark that in Islam as well as everyday life is not second, but and intricate part of daily life for any Muslim. Hopefully, most people practicing a more valued system, their wouldn't be the violence and crimes that seems to be so prevalent today.

One remark in perspective as to Palestinian personality for example, they are usually exceptally friendly hardworking people. Would do anything for anyone that they can. Contrary to some people’s ideas because of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, Palestinians do not have a violent nature to the contrary. They are family and friends orientated and have a reputation of honesty. In addition, even in the gloomiest situation they always try to find the sunlight.

The final remarks, I must admit I smiled and chuckled some, because I always say one thing about a Muslim woman; no one knows when we have a bad hair day and yes we are very cautious driver’s because it would be very sad if anyone got hurt.

Peace be with you also.


A short time after this article was posted; I had an Anonymous comment with numerous pornography links, which I will not post here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to: HW4P:

Thank you for displaying my comments. I welcome you to my site anytime. I regret the fact that some americans cannot behave themselves and are irresponsible and disrepectful. Peace.

8:32 AM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


You are very welcome, it was my pleasure to do this because like you, I am sure people need to understand what is going on and how people are; especially nice people like you and your family.

I also find it hard that a country especially like America with so much beauty would have people like this too, it actually saddened me when I found out they where not really isolated innocents.

One thing I do not know if these bad people realize, but it makes it us more appreciate nice people like you and your family.

Peace to you too

2:37 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


You mentioned that I not visit your blog for a little time, actually I did today and have done so not so long ago. So you know over time, several time's.

I have been having troubles doing comments on your blog, I am sorry to say.

I also, wish to thank you for putting this post on your blog because with your help this was like a very nice learning experience and I hope it is for other's as well.

I hope you did not mind earlier on this blog; I did borrow a picture about Homeland Security and the cat because it was so funny. I called it “How Homeland Security is Protecting America, “

You have a very interesting blog, I must admit different from other blog’s I have seen and it is so nice how much you love your family.

Anyone interested I would hope would take a look also,

Please take care

5:25 PM  

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