Tuesday, February 13, 2007

A new American slaughter of innocent unarmed and isolated people from Al Bu'aysee Village

Pictures of some of the families victims of this massacre..
By one of the bereaved family members, Iraqirabita

Occupied Fallujah, February 8, 2007

In the name of God , the Compassionate, the Merciful.

The American forces on February 2, 2007 attacked the isolated village of al Bu'aysee, part of the Falluja province. The American forces landed by helicopters and proceeded to detonate and break the inhabitants house doors. They then detained innocent unarmed civilians who had no protection whatsoever. The detainees were tortured then killed. The pictures show three of the innocent civilians tortured then killed. One of the victims was over 70 years old and the other was his son. The third was a civilian who was in his bed when the occupying forces broke in - proof that these three men were unarmed and were therefore totally vulnerable.

After the savage killing, the occupying forces paraded the corpses in the streets, in a savage way thus mobilizing a crowd of several dozens of people , men , women and children. Then (the american forces) seperated the women and the children from the men. They detained all the men who were gathered and started torturing them in front of the women and the children , making these latter witnesses to the screams and cries of these martyred men.

We urge you to forward this piece of news to all concerned and to the international public so they are made aware of these acts of savagery."

English Translation by Layla Anwar .


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