Friday, June 29, 2007

Is Abbas Decreeing Death to All Palestinians?

29 June 2007


by Housewife4Palestine

The creation of any Palestinian resistance, was for the protection of the Palestinian people against occupation and the wonton extermination of the Palestinian people.

Their should never have been an occupation of this magnitude, to ever occur among human decency.

As for Abbas to create a decree that any resistance should lay down one arm is immoral, for the simple fact he will sign the death warrant for all the Palestinian people against those who wish the irradiation of the indigenous people of Palestine.

The only way their would be real peace in Palestine is for all Palestinians to unite, stop the collaboration with the enemy and for Israel in common agreement lay down their weapons, to actually signing a peace agreement that both sides can honestly live with.

As long as the Israeli lawlessness keeps occurring within the occupied area’s against the Palestinian populace, one can not see this happening because this just show’s that Israeli’s stance for peace, still doesn’t exists.

The Palestinian people are not inherently warmonger’s for this war has always been a sore within the hearts of each Palestinian, which has now gone on for generations.

While it appears and until this war ends, that the Israeli’s with their continuous barbaric actions, appears to enjoy the adage of inhumanity to man; may this one day change; for the good of all.

Furthermore, if Abbas thinks for one minute one bit of a security force can protect the Palestinian people he is greatly mistaken, it looks more like a Western Israeli open door policy for martyr’s.


Israeli Troops Raid Nablus

by Mohammed Mar’i

RAMALLAH, West Bank, 29 June 2007 — In the largest Israeli military operation in the West Bank in months, Israeli troops yesterday opened fire at random, conducted house-to-house searches and blew open front doors in Nablus.

Palestinian fighters retaliated. They hurled four explosive devices at the Israelis, severely injuring two officers and lightly wounding six soldiers. Several Palestinians were arrested and taken for questioning. The incursion prevented dozens of Palestinian students from sitting school exams.

The operation came a day after 12 Palestinians were killed in twin Israeli operations in the Gaza Strip and was condemned by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad. “We condemn the Israeli military operation ongoing in Nablus, which was launched shortly after those in Gaza,” said Fayyad. “Here we see an Israeli attempt to sabotage our efforts toward restoring security.”

The Israeli raid comes two days after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed a decree forbidding the brandishing of weapons without a license in the West Bank except for the official PA security services, a step that Palestinians consider will enforce law on Palestinian armed groups.


Fatah-affiliated Al Aqsa Brigades reject decree of President Abbas

Members of Al-Aqsa Brigades trainingin Hebron (MaanImages)

29 June 2007

The Fatah-affiliated Al Aqsa Brigades refuse to dissolve or to disarm and reject the truce in the West Bank.

Bethlehem -
Ma'an Exclusive – The Fatah-affiliated Al Aqsa Brigades have announced that they have rejected the presidential decree regarding the disbanding of militia in the occupied Palestinian territories.

The spokesman of the brigades, Abu Oday, told Ma'an that, following consultations with the brigades' leaders in the West Bank, they have issued the following declaration:

First: the rejection of the dissolution of the brigades, "because they are a resistance group, and are defending the country and the dignity of the people".

Second: the refusal to disarm the group, "because it is a legitimate arm of resistance, and is the only weapon to remain to defend the Intifada ["Uprising"]."

Third: the rejection of the description of the brigades as 'militias', "which defame the Palestinians, and it is nonsense to describe the only remaining armed wing as a militia."

Fourth: the brigades support the presidents' decision to withdraw illegal arms used in the lawlessness, and announce that they stand with the security forces to stop the state of disorder.

Fifth: the brigades will "do their best" to aid the security forces, "and will be honored to stand beside the security forces to defend the country."

Sixth: the brigades will not be complacent before the crimes of the occupation, "and will retaliate for the crimes committed [by the occupying Israeli military], especially in the recent days in the [Gaza] Strip, Nablus and Jenin.

Seventh: the brigades reject the connection established between themselves and the current state of lawlessness, and confirm that they "were created to confront the occupation and its aggression against the Palestinian people".

Eighth: the brigades will not be committed to a truce with the Israelis, as long as the occupation continues the crimes and incursions against Palestinians and their cities.

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