Monday, September 15, 2008

Bush’s Calls for U.S. Nationwide Gasoline Blackout

By HRM Deborah

Well, U.S. President George W. Bush did it again, starting Monday 15 September 2008, for a whole week people nationwide will have no gasoline at the pumps.

Yes, Bush called for a Nationwide blackout, apparently; on his own initiative, out the back of his head.

I was contacted by some gasoline distributors of the latest peril to an already collapsing economy, which was not just there concern for those who deliver gasoline and the sellers; but the fact that something of this nature may very well cause many of the employed to have to stay home due to the shortage; which will severely damage not just the economy, but most likely the very well-being of every person living in the country.

It is a great hope, for the sake of the U.S. that something of this nature is stopped before more rampant decay occurs to the American populace to just endangerment, as well as the economy.

Furthermore, something of this nature is considered a form of criminal oppression and is a human rights violation.

Nevertheless, if Bush keep’s going in this direction; people will need to go back riding a horse. Which one can say a horse is better for the environment, then gasoline transportation; just that many horses, the smell on a hot day would be breath-taking to say the least.

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