Friday, October 10, 2008

Ayatollah Kashani: Tehran emphasizes on its absolute N-rights

10 October 2008

Tehran-Substitute Friday prayers leader of Tehran Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani said here Friday that Tehran insists on its absolute nuclear rights.

"Enemies can not reach their goals by launching adverse propaganda against Iran's peaceful nuclear program and Tehran insists on its absolute nuclear rights," Ayatollah Kashani told a group of Tehrani Friday prayers worshipers.

He said the Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly announced that it does not consider nuclear weapons something right.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has on various occasions proved its goodwill to its neighbors and the International Atomic Energy Agency too has inspected all its nuclear activities and detected nothing that would prove its nuclear energy is not industrial and scientific scale," said Ayatollah Kashani.

He went on to say, "The world arrogance, led by the US, however, has through adverse publicity attributed such dirty labels and features as "terrorist," "opponent to regional security" and "troublesome for neighboring states," to Iran. This is while, the Islamic Republic of Iran has shown that is the most sincere neighbor, is not pro-terrorism and is even a terrorism victim."

To substantiate his remarks, the Ayatollah said Iran's former President, ex-Prime Minister and ex-judiciary as well as a number of Majlis members, renowned thinker Martyr Morteza Motahhari and many other dear ones were all martyred by terrorists.

He recalled the eight-year (1980-88) war imposed on Iran by former Iraqi ruler Saddam and also historically unforgettable crimes and said, "These actions are done by you. However, you sometimes attribute them to Iran, sometimes to Islam and even sometimes to holy Prophet of Islam (SAWA). These are gestures of disrespect. There may be some who accept your adverse propaganda but there may even be many others who will reject it. You should know that you will not meet your goal through such negative publicity."

He reiterated, "Tehran insists on having industrial and scientific scale peaceful nuclear energy. This is Iranian nation's right. That's God pleasing, rational, legal and globally accepted claim. Since you have nothing to say with regards to such a right claim, so have launched adverse publicity, thinking vainly that such propaganda will help you reach your target."

He said, "You should know for sure that the path you have chosen will lead you nowhere and you will go astray. Reverse the path and step in the right course. Don't let this part of the world or other part get tumultuous this way and stop leaving black records in history."

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