Friday, October 10, 2008

Canaanites Evicted from Palestine

A Canaanite woman reacts as she faces a Jewish policewoman as Jewish soldiers stand in the background during a demonstration against separation barrier in the village of Maasarah, on 10 October 2008.

By HRM Deborah

As to these relentless illegal demonstration’s to outright terrorism by the Canaanites while committing said criminal activities within Palestine really need's to desist, what they really need is to have already prepared and removed themselves from the country as illegal’s and as for the police and military having to subdue these criminal activities they should be commended.

As to the current status of the Canaanites within Palestine, they have been evicted from the country and any part of the country forthwith and all appropriate measures should be taken to see that they are removed from the country.

As for the Canaanites creating there own flag with also the use of part of the Palestine flag, does not give them creditability within the country either nor will it be recognized as legitimate.

Furthermore, as to these criminal activities, the police or military has to do what is necessary to keep peace, stop the terrorism and if necessary arrest the violators of these crimes. For far too many time’s, the police or military have been up against very dangerous situations with the Canaanite form of terrorism.

Nevertheless, global terrorist Interpol fugitive Mahmoud Abbas and his organization who are jet setting around the globe these days should not be allowed to come back into Palestine or the appropriate legal step‘s need’s to be taken on this situation.

For I absolutely abhor violence, crime and terrorism, especially in Palestine nor will it be allowed to continue; especially by non-citizen illegal’s within Palestine’s borders, namely the major contributors of these crimes, the Canaanites.

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