Friday, October 17, 2008

Bushonomics Poll: President Bush should cancel White House Christmas parties

17 October 2008

In our latest Washington Whispers poll, Americans seem to be voicing their anger with the plight of the economy and the huge Dow drop that's impacting their 401(k)'s.

This week, we asked what one symbolic move President Bush could make to show that he understands the hard financial choices Americans have to face every day.

And the top answer: Cancel the lavish annual Christmas parties.

That, of course, isn't going to happen, but your voice is being heard.

The next choice: Ground Air Force One.

Fortunately, though, our polling sample had a heart when it came to the First Pups. Asked if the president should shift dog foods to a cheaper brand, only 3 percent said that Barney and Miss Beasley should go on Wal-Mart's Ol' Roy.

The Whispers Poll

In these economically challenging times, what one symbolic move could President Bush make in the White House to show that he understands the hard financial choices Americans have to make every day?

Cancel lavish annual Christmas parties 49%

Ground Air Force One 25%

Pump his own gasoline 12%

Open a West Wing soup kitchen 10%

Put his dogs on Wal-Mart's Ol' Roy food 3%

Source: The Synovate eNation Internet poll was conducted October 9-13 among 1,000 nationally representative households by global market research firm Synovate.

When one starts seeing economic type polls such as this one especially geared towards US President George W. Bush and his history of lavish spending, it is a sign of the sad state of affairs for a country.

If one takes a few minutes to look out there door in the US, one can see the economic rabid breakdown; to the step by step suffering of the American people.

Yesterday I went to the market, while people where having to be so careful what they purchased it seemed because of cost, it was heartbreaking seeing people giving back things to a clerk because they could not afford them. Like one American mother with twins, wishing to buy an educational gift for her children and had to say no; because of the cost of the gift or food, to feed her family which included two more children.

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