Friday, October 17, 2008

McCain Mud Slinging attacks on Obama

US Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain debating in New York, last Wednesday.

17 October 2008

As to the Sen. John McCain insisting Barack Obama is associated with Islam is false, for on several occasion Obama has geared extremely towards being Islamophobic and as well being Anti-Semantic; as far as it has been known that Obama has always been Christian.

As to Obama’s association with terrorism the answer is yes, but not towards the person that Sen. John McCain claims; but with the terrorist organization of global terrorist Interpol fugitive Mahmoud Abbas.

As to Sen. John McCain mud slinging anyone, he doesn’t have clean clothes either.

Furthermore, as to who’s plan’s is more religious friendly, so far neither; even McCain has shown to be both Islamophobic and Anti-Semantic, as is reminded of his last visit to Palestine.

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