Monday, October 13, 2008

Grenada to honor Cubans killed in 1983 U.S. invasion

U.S. troops deployment during the invasion of Grenada, codenamed Operation Urgent Fury. The invasion was highly criticized by the United Kingdom, Trinidad and Tobago, Canada and the United Nations General Assembly, which condemned it as "a flagrant violation of international law." The one that ordered this invasion was former US President Ronald Reagan.

13 october 2008

ST. GEORGE'S, Grenada - Grenada is building a monument to Cubans who died during the 1983 U.S. military invasion of the Caribbean island.

Foreign Affairs Minister Peter David says the 24 Cuban construction workers should be remembered because ``they were making a contribution toward the development of this country.''

He said Saturday that the Cuban and Grenadian governments are deciding on the best site for the monument. He spoke at the third annual Conference of Solitary with Cuba, an event organized by Grenadians who studied in Cuba in the 1980s.

The U.S. invaded the island on Oct. 25, 1983, after an extremist Marxist faction executed Prime Minister Maurice Bishop and several of his supporters.

Forty-five Grenadians 18 Americans were also killed in three days of fighting.

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