Saturday, October 18, 2008

Iraq : A Right to Freedom

Iraqi followers of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr hold up copies of the Quran during a protest, on 18 October 2008; in Baghdad against the US occupation of Iraq.

Followers of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr marched through the Iraqi capital shouting anti-US slogans to protest the American occupation and the planned
security deal between the two countries.

This came at a time, when Washington and Baghdad are negotiating a security deal that is not being accepted apparently, by the majority of Iraqi people and is also under much scrutiny for illegalities towards the US.

Since Iraq is being considered in an illegal war with occupation by a foreign country namely the US, it stands to reason that the US foreign presence would never be acceptable under any circumstance; let alone the continuous genocide of numerous innocent Iraqi’s, which include men, women, children and the elderly.

The Martyr’s of Iraq and Afghanistan
Furthermore what is substantially so hideous in this occupation, is the wanton genocide of whole villages; numerous times in the middle of the night or late evening when the Iraqi people would appear more helpless, by US military personnel.

It is also understood, one can hear the people in the village’s blood curdling screaming for a long distance, as they are being murdered one by one as though they are nothing; by the US military and to further understand, it is not just Shia but also Sunni Muslims.

Nevertheless, it is being found that Afghanistan is also going through the same horror and it is a further wonder, how the US can feel justified to be in two illegal wars propagated by lies; let alone commit such senseless wholesale murder, to even wish to initiate more of these type of atrocities around the globe.

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