Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Gaza Strip

Gaza DVD Cover Posted by Picasa

About the Film

"GAZA STRIP (map with filming locations) was filmed during the first four months of 2001, a period that covers the election of Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and extends to the first major armed incursion into "Area A" by the Israeli military. It was my first trip to the Middle East; all of my previous international filmmaking experience took place in Russia. The idea to make a documentary about Palestinians inside the Gaza Strip was mainly a reaction to what I perceived as a lack of good media coverage of that area: it was difficult for me to find intimate material of the Palestinian struggle in the mainstream US media. More than anything, it was a desire to satisfy my own curiosity about what was really taking place inside the Occupied Territories that induced me to take matters into my own hands and produce the project. Read more...

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Thank you James Longley For this Documentary, February 8, 2006
Reviewer: "Housewife4Palestine"
I actually have to thank James Longley for making a documentary such as this.

That so many people who do not know about what is going on to the Palestinians at the hands of the Israeli's. Most people view that the Israeli's are justified in murdering and stealing from the Palestinians and that the Palestinians are just terrorists. The truth being, the Palestinians are not terrorist in any manner; but a people who was shoved out of their homes and out of their country. Their land stolen and face every day a genocide that is reminiscent of what the Nazi's did to the Jews.

Most people bring up about suicide bombings, the rock throwing done to the Israeli's and do not realize that the Israeli's have more advanced weapons then the Palestinians do. That the air strikes and nerve gas used on the Palestinians for example is usually not told to people, just how bad the Palestinians are in American News. Not that the Israeli's murder more people per day then the Palestinians could ever stomach or wish to think about.

How would you react if your country was stolen, you was made a people without a home. Hence, refugee and you watch your children, family and friends murdered daily? Think about it!

Watch this movie and see the truth of what is going on in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Gaza Strip Location Map Posted by Picasa


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