Saturday, September 30, 2006

Televangelist Creating Crime Scene?

September 30, 2006

by Housewife4Palestine

Something I have wondered about for a little time is where some of these Islamophobic’s are getting their education to bash Islam. Yes, for the few times in my life, I happened to turn on the television down in the Bible belt of America and what did I see Televangelist sounding like Islam bad Christianity good, when their own doctrine teaches that they are not suppose to speak ill of other people especially since Judaism, Christianity and Islam or cousins; so to speak.

One was even speaking of Islam in the same breaths as talking about Satan’s works such as stealing and so forth which is not acceptable in the Christianity that I studied as a young girl with the attempt to appreciate the Christian people.

Actually just the opposite, like Islam you have respect of other people and their religion and as far as I know Christianity is suppose to do the same.

To perpetrate harm and slander to millions of people world wide, really puts the Christian leaders if they all are doing this and I hope not in a very poor light.

Those who are professing Christianity without understanding the truth’s of their religion is following these sorts of people, they are doing nothing but put themselves in harms way and this is a sad situation to be occurring in the 21 century. This sounds more like the Spanish Inquisition, then modern times.

I will say, I have met and still know some Christians that are not following these people and do not believe what Mr. Bush is telling them or for the lack of a better word using their own mind to how things should be and for this you will meet so very kind exceptional people.

Then you have the Islamophobic’s that are walking around believing what they are being told, so full of hate and violent tendencies that I would hope they realize before it is to late the poor position they are walking in.

Crime in America is growing to epidemic’s proportions, then you have some of the Islamophobic’s doing hate crime’s against innocent people; which is doing nothing more but make America vastly to becoming the most dangerous country in the world; do the American’s really wish to live in an environment such as this?


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