Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Palestinian child killed in IOF shelling

November 6, 2006

Gaza - A Palestinian child was killed on Monday in the IOF shelling of the Sheikh Zayed area to the north of the Gaza Strip in which two other children and a woman were wounded.

Medical sources said Mahmoud Al-Sharafi was critically wounded and died hours later while the woman's wounds were described as "very serious".

An Israeli warplane fired a missile at a group of citizens that slammed near a bus carrying students to a kindergarten north of Gaza, eyewitnesses said, adding that parts of the woman's brain was seen thrown out of her head.

Palestinian medical and security sources, meanwhile, warned the citizens not to touch any suspicious object after Beit Hanun residents reported seeing Israeli choppers dropping objects similar to canned soft drinks in the city.

For its part, the PA interior ministry's back-up force declared that six of its members were killed while confronting the IOF invasion of the northern Gaza Strip that started on Wednesday and claimed the lives of more than 50 Palestinians and wounded more than 220 others so far.


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