Sunday, November 5, 2006

Saddam, Half Brother Sentenced to Death

November 5, 2006


Saddam Hussein and his half brother were convicted and sentenced Sunday to death by hanging for war crimes in the 1982 killings of 148 people in the town of Dujail, as the visibly shaken former leader shouted "God is great!"

After the verdict was read, a trembling Saddam yelled out, "Life for the glorious nation, and death to its enemies!"

In addition to the former Iraqi dictator and Barzan Ibrahim, his half brother, the Iraqi High Tribunal convicted and sentenced Awad Hamed al-Bandar, the head of Iraq's former Revolutionary Court, to death by hanging. Iraq's former Vice President Taha Yassin Ramadan was convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to life in prison.

Three other co-defendants were convicted of murder and torture and sentenced to up to 15 years in prison.

One defendant was acquitted for lack of evidence.

Clashes with police broke out in north Baghdad's heavily Sunni Azamiyah district after the verdict against Saddam was announced.


Blogger Merete said...

I wish to see your comments on his death sentence?

I am against it, as I am totally against taking the life of any human being whom ever it is. Who are we to choose who should live and die?

I know he killed 300.000 people over 24 years, but George Bush killed twice as many in just 3-4 years! They should BOTH appear in front of the court in Den Haag for war crimes.
What a mess they have made out of Iraq!!

Oh and I have linked your blog :-)

9:46 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


I posted this due to the fact they he was to be executed only.

There is information behind this situation that has never come to the forefront of the Western press that I know of and the execution in my opinion is strictly political and nothing else, which is terrible.

Usually murder by Shiah law is punishable by death, I have always thought that this whole trial in the manner it was handled always appeared like a Kangaroo Court, I always waited to see the Kangaroo literally jump though the courtroom; but I guess the animal was busy these last several months.

As for Bush and his associates, this I agree and have said so I believe numerous times they should be held for War Crimes and given the appropriate punishment.

As for the whole situation in Iraq that you referring to, I do agree it is a horrible mess.

Thank you for linking to my blog dear you are always welcome to do so, I feel in many incidents we agree on numerous issues.

I also value your opinion.

1:49 AM  

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