Thursday, November 23, 2006

What do you have to be thankful for?

Thanksgiving America 2006?

Just think when you are preparing your thanksgiving dinner and you just happened to cut a slice out of you finger peeling that umpteenth potato, that there is people in the world now that are hungry because of America/Israel alliance.

That cut finger is also a little price to pay, for the American’s and Muslims dying by the hundred’s this very day for a lie.

Are you truly thankful this Thanksgiving?

Oh, if you wonder what Bush is doing, he is having Turkey with Rice at Camp David!

*37 million people now live below the poverty line -- 12.9 million of those are children.

*The official poverty line is an income of $19,157/yr for a family of four.

*A single parent working full-time for minimum wage makes $10,712/yr.

*3.9 million families had at least one member go hungry because they couldn't afford enough food.

*1,600,000 jobs lost in the private sector since Bush took office.

*46.6 million people lack health coverage.

*1.7 million VETERANS -- including some Iraq War Veterans -- have no health insurance.

*750,000 Americans are homeless, 250,000 of them are Veterans

Source: Dubya's World


Blogger James said...

Love is the only way to change anything; don't hate Israel. I know it's got to be hard for you but hate just makes things worse.

9:03 PM  
Blogger HRM Deborah of Israel and the Messenger of Peace said...


Hate is a strong word, I do not agree with Israel's policies; I never will this is true.

I too believe all people should love each other, but when it comes to the price of all of humanity; one needs to stand up for the good of humanity and say no to anything that creates harm.

9:31 PM  

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