Sunday, September 21, 2008

Islamabad Marriott Hotel Bombing

20 September 2008

A view of fire caused by bomb explosion at Marriott hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan. A huge suicide truck bomb devastated the heavily guarded Marriott Hotel in Pakistan's capital, killing at least 40 people.

While there is some saying it is Al-Qaeda again, which has became more of a bad joke then honesty; because it is getting to appear there is more people in Al-Qaeda then the whole of the population of the planet, which has everyone knows it is not a possibility.
While one should look closer to reality, what was even more interesting is the Marriott hotel chain is based in Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A.
Nevertheless, what made this a horrible act like other terrorist attacks, about 53 people became martyrs.

After writing this article, it popped-up in the media that the Pakistani Taliban may now be guilty of this crime and while this is not the first time such dribble occurred in the media after something of the nature; Nevertheless, it must be admitted that because this was a sad situation and that at least the US media propaganda campaign is making it humorous for their windblown writing.
Furthermore, the estimate of people said to be arrested for being Al-Qaeda is also interesting, due to the fact of some people being accused as such and they where innocent.

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