Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Palestine PM Haniyeh No Disrespect to Arab League

17 September 2008

by HRM Deborah

The following has to do with false statements not made by Palestine Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, in regards to the Arab League.

Palestine Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has not complained about anti-Palestinian scheme of the Arab states and certain fabricated statement’s made towards the Jewish people, which are not only false; but against the policy of the Palestine government.

As to PM Haniyeh making the remarks about “Arab League had been ready to dispatch forces to the Gaza Strip during their recent meeting," no statement is also known, but that it is not necessarily for the Arab League to dispatch any forces into any part of Palestine; out of due respect to the League that their presence is not needed.

There is also no oppression problem that is apparently claimed between the Jewish and Arab Palestinian people, but very much to the contrary. Relations between these two groups are not only pressing foreword in unity, but everything is being very good in the relations between the two religions.

Not only has there been a ceasefire since March 2008, but a full Armistice Agreement for the State of Palestine, was signed 14 March 2008, between the Palestinian and Jewish people; HRM Deborah of Palestine did the negotiations between her people and the Jewish people with all due respect towards the two parties in question, with her understanding.

The State of Palestine is doing very good since the war is over, the only problem that the whole of Palestine has, is the terrorist organization with the leadership of Mahmoud Abbas; that is in collaboration with U.S. under the Bush Administration at this time.

It is hoped this clears the air of any misunderstandings between the Palestine government and the Arab League.

Finally, as to bringing a situation such as this to the Queens attention, the parties have her gratitude.

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