Monday, September 15, 2008

U.S. Gas Gouging

Gas prices in some parts of the country have seen giant spikes as to the alleged claim that some owners are trying to profit off Hurricane Ike and fears of gas shortages.

by HRM Deborah

Whether it is U.S. President George W. Bush initiating a nationwide
blackout or gouging the American people, it is still a crime and what makes matter‘s worse is Bush blaming other‘s for the many unacceptable moves he does behind people‘s backs.

When Hurricane Katrina occurred and gasoline shot-up over $3 dollars a gallon that was a disgrace, but after Hurricane Ike, catapulting gasoline well over $4 dollars a gallon it is just plain price gouging; as well as hampering the well-being of the all ready money-strapped American’s in a crumbling economy.

Nevertheless, with the U.S. still in flux with the numerous American’s that recently survived two hurricane’s of Gustav and Ike, something of this nature will more and likely put more injury; with further fears of displacement due to the lack of fuel with the hopes of returning home now and in the future. It also comes to mind of the many personal, needing fuel for the repair and rescue operations.

Finally, anyone doing such as these types of things or any harm to people, must have a very black heart; for their lack of compassion towards the well-being or caring of other’s. For no one should walk barefoot through human suffering.

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