Friday, October 10, 2008

A Modest Royal Dwelling

By HRM Deborah

It has became a great interested to people of the type of dwelling I am living and it is due to the fact that after Hurricane Katrina, finding a place to live was very difficult; especially if one was going to have to pay and arm, a leg and about two pints of blood each month, to live in certain places.

As well as some of these dwellings, also may not have been particularly livable at the time; either.

Myself, because of my political hostage status, the US government doesn’t allow me to have an income from my home country and also due to the fact I have always believed in living modestly and have had to learn to do so.

I call this particular place a dwelling, because this country is not my home; but at this time the place of my imprisonment and to my sorrow, I have been reminded of this fact numerous times.

So I do hope this help’s people to understand, my particular living situation and my deep sadness that relations couldn‘t have been better over the years, between the US and the Palestine royal family; to create something as to imprison a family for over 108 years or three generations.

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