Sunday, November 5, 2006

Caught Drug Trafficking in Saudi Arabia

In the strangest smuggling state the customs men in the new outlet in Alqriat managed in Saudi Arabia the revelation of a drug trafficking state it is considered the strangest. From its kind where putting the narcotic pills took place through small balloons they were inserted in the Billy goats stomach and in a professional way and a catch has taken place.

Billy goats and she is the quantity importing Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia by one of the trucks and the discovery of this attempt indicates the intelligence of the Saudi men of the customs.

And their insight and their skill.

Where opening the abdomen of one of the dead billy goats took place and held an exploratory operation in the internal organs for the formation of the surprise and hence, I catch another Billy goat and so to became clear that all imported Billy goats ( a mined by the drugs ) and the catch of the criminal has taken place and it was referred to the sid


Saudi Arabia executes Pakistani for drug smuggling

4 November 2006

RIYADH - Saudi Arabia executed a Pakistani man for drugs smuggling on Saturday, taking to 17 the number of reported executions in the conservative kingdom in 2006.

The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said Ghulam Mustakbir Mohammad Yousef was executed in the coastal city of Jeddah for receiving hashish that had been smuggled into the country. It gave no more details.

Saudi Arabia implements strict Islamic law and usually carries out executions by public beheading with a sword. The country executed 86 people in 2005 and 36 in 2004.

Officials have not explained the fall in the executions this year, which follows criticism from human rights groups over the high rates in previous years.

Saudi Arabia executes convicted murderers, rapists and drug traffickers.



by Housewife4Palestine

I cannot help thinking with the high murder rate, along with rapist; then you have a large problem in the United States with drug addicts and smugglers.

You hear all the time how law enforcement officials cannot seem to stop the epidemics of these crimes’s maybe the need to implement the same solution as Saudi Arabia, would at least attempt to slow it down.

An old adage, if your life where at stake; would you chance it?


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