Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Realization for the Future

17 October 2007

by HRM Deborah

The Zionist have made the world think especially those in the West that if they laid down their weapon’s and stopped their incursion’s into the West Bank and Gaza that we the Palestinians would destroy them. Being in my position, I know this is not true; for one viable fact that if the Zionist think hard enough they will realize that every attack that has been against them is a repercussion to what they have done to the Palestinians.

Also, bringing in outside agitator’s to negotiate peaceful solution, namely those from the West will not help them either because for two parties to find peace it need‘s to be between the two real heads of Israel and Palestine to do so.

My family and myself has been accused numerous time’s of Anti-Semitism which I have found appalling for the simple fact both parties in this conflict are Semitic in origin.

Furthermore, it must be understood, that the Palestinians as well as the Middle East as a whole is not against the Jewish people but to the contrary, it has to do with crime’s commited against people not religious affiliation. While this over time has became an issue, it is actually not true at least on the part of the Palestinian people; for one simple fact in Islam you are taught to have respect for all religions.

It has always been if the Jewish people had wished to settle in Palestine and live side by side as neighbor’s without occupation, their never would have been a war and what people have to see today in their sorrow’s.

While I do not know Ehud Olmert’s mindset of why he is actually rethinking the fall summit, it would actually be in his best interest to actually speak to me for a viable solution to this conflict if he wishes, because I would hope he would understand the war was started between them and us, not from the West.

In addition, I will even say dealing with criminal’s within Palestine, which I do not approve to say the least, such as Mahmoud Abbas, and his people is the way to go, because they have no real authority to attempt what they are trying to do.

One thing I do agree with, is this war has gone on way to long, while people will say since 1948, this is not quite true, it has now progressed for over 106 years and it does need to end, but not in the manner, I seen so far proposed.

For I am thinking, people because of the amount of time has forgotten what actually all the elements of this war curtails. Good or not, one thing my grandmother as well as my mother tried to teach me was the real reason’s there is a war and I will even admit in my lifetime I have actually tried to come up with an actual solution to this conflict. However, one cannot walk alone in a situation like this; it takes the other party namely the Zionist. While some people try to make it different, this war like those in the past has always been against the two parties occupying the same sand.

What I have found most interesting about myself, is the Zionist that actually have come and spoken to me as individuals have found that I was not what they expected. Nevertheless, just the opposite and why I wonder this, I also have understood from them that they have always found me to be not just a good person, but actually very kind and just.

Even when I was a child, those who are true to the Jewish religion, I have great respect for them because they still tried to follow the 613 Commandment’s (Mitzvot); even having survived the Jewish Holocaust and wished very much to be my friend. This is one reason, I have always came to the conclusion, beside’s what Allah has taught me, that Zionism is political and has nothing to do with what feels the heart.

For the foundation set by Allah, is what people should follow because if this was truly so; their would be no wars or injustice of any kind in the world.

In Conclusion, threatening me harm, is not in anyone’s best interest, but to the opposite is true, for the simple fact the outrage across the globe from what I have been told recently; would be more then those who are trying to harm me could bare.
The most important reason for me to live is not that I value my life as much as I value love and peace within the world among all people.

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