Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cops: 'Pink Panther gang' jewel thieves nabbed

Balkans-based group is suspected of stealing $134 million in series of heists

18 October 2008

PARIS - Two suspected members of the "Pink Panther gang" of jewel thieves were arrested in Monaco after a car crash, police said on Friday.

The gang is believed to have stolen $134 million in various countries.

Interpol said the suspects were Dusko Poznan, 30, from Bosnia-Herzegovina, and an unnamed 27-year-old Serbian, and belonged to the Balkans-based "Pink Panther gang."

In 2004, the group hid a several-hundred-thousand-dollar diamond ring in a jar of face cream — the same place used in the first Pink Panther film, starring Peter Sellers as the bungling Inspector Clousseau.

One of the men was arrested in the hospital Wednesday by a police officer who took his statement following the crash. The second was arrested afterward.

While I guess these thieves needed a gimmick, but from the Pink Panther movies of all things.

While it apparently took a little time to catch them and it is good that these criminals are no longer at large.

Furthermore, some very qualified law-in-forcemeat where after them and not Inspector Jacques Clouseau; while this was a terrible crime, one can not still see a bit of humor and have chuckle or two.

Just proves crime doesn’t pay, even for the Pink Panther.

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